Friday, April 1, 2011

Making a de map

I will now show you how to make a defusal map. This is one of the most simplest tutorials here.

First of all, make a brush over the area where you want the terrorist to plant the bomb. Don't worry if it intersects other brushes because we are going to turn it into a func_bomb_target. Right click on the brush and select the 'turn into entity' option. Select the func_bomb_target option.

That is it. You have made it into a bomb plant location. You can add as many func_bomb_targets as you like but remember to make them carefully and don't make them out of the map. If you make a brush based entity outside the map, it will result into an error. The same goes for point based entities too.
And this is the screenshot:

Notice that texture? You can apply any texture but the the reason why people apple the aaatrigger texture is because they can't get confused with a brush and a brush based entity. This texture has nothing special but is applied just to indicate that it is a brush based entity.

Oh and you can also trigger events upon the bomb blasting. In this screenshot, I have set the trigger to gg. That means that an entity whose name field has the value of gg will get triggered. I will post more tutorials on triggers and special entities later.