A map typically consists of the brushwork and entities. However , there are other things which can be included in your map. This tutorial will show you how to properly add your own custom content in your map.
In your maps folder, the bsp file and a txt file containing information about the map is placed, additional files like the nav file, res file and the detail texture file can also be placed.
Your env folder in your gfx folder contains all the skyboxes. Place a custom skybox here and enter its name in map properties>environment name in vhe to use your custom skybox. By default, a detail folder will not be present in a fresh copy of cs. This folder is used to place all the detail textures you will use in your map. If this folder is not present, make one.
Your overviews folder contain the bmp file which is shown as a overview in the game radar. It contains the bmp file and a accompanying txt file which has all the co-ordinates of the bmp file.
The models folder contain all the models you are going to use in your map.
The sounds folder contains all the sounds you are going to use in your mpa and also two text files which can be modified.
The sprites folder contain the sprites you can use in your map.
Oh and the wad file is placed in your cstrike folder
One bad habit people have while maping maps is that they pollute other peoples's directory by placing models, sounds, sprites,etc directly in the directory.
So if I want to make a standards compatible map called foo.bsp which uses all sorts of custom content, I will name all the directories as shown below:
But it is not standards complaint so
This is how your cstrike directory places files:
- cstrike
- Maps
- Gfx
- env
- detail
- Overviews
- Models
- Sounds
- Sprites
In your maps folder, the bsp file and a txt file containing information about the map is placed, additional files like the nav file, res file and the detail texture file can also be placed.
Your env folder in your gfx folder contains all the skyboxes. Place a custom skybox here and enter its name in map properties>environment name in vhe to use your custom skybox. By default, a detail folder will not be present in a fresh copy of cs. This folder is used to place all the detail textures you will use in your map. If this folder is not present, make one.
Your overviews folder contain the bmp file which is shown as a overview in the game radar. It contains the bmp file and a accompanying txt file which has all the co-ordinates of the bmp file.
The models folder contain all the models you are going to use in your map.
The sounds folder contains all the sounds you are going to use in your mpa and also two text files which can be modified.
The sprites folder contain the sprites you can use in your map.
Oh and the wad file is placed in your cstrike folder
One bad habit people have while maping maps is that they pollute other peoples's directory by placing models, sounds, sprites,etc directly in the directory.
So if I want to make a standards compatible map called foo.bsp which uses all sorts of custom content, I will name all the directories as shown below:
- cstrike
- foo.wad
- Maps
- foo.bsp
- foo.txt
- foo.nav
- foo_detail.txt
- foo.res
- Gfx
- env
- fooskyft.tga
- fooskybk.tga
- fooskylf.tga
- fooskyrt.tga
- fooskydn.tga
- fooskyup.tga
- detail
- detail1.tga
- detail2.tga
- Overviews
- foo.bmp
- foo.txt
- Models
- fooish1.mdl
- fooish2.mdl
- Sounds
- fooish1.wav
- fooish2.wav
- Sprites
- fooish1.spr
- fooish2.spr
But it is not standards complaint so
- cstrike
- foo.wad
- Maps
- foo.bsp
- foo.txt
- foo.nav
- foo_detail.txt
- foo.res
- Gfx
- env
- fooskyft.tga
- fooskybk.tga
- fooskylf.tga
- fooskyrt.tga
- fooskydn.tga
- fooskyup.tga
- detail
- foo
- detail1.tga
- detail2.tga
- Overviews
- foo.bmp
- foo.txt
- Models
- foo
- fooish1.mdl
- fooish2.mdl
- Sounds
- foo
- fooish1.wav
- fooish2.wav
- Sprites
- foo
- fooish1.spr
- fooish2.spr
As you can see, we only need to create foo folder in detail, models, sounds, sprites folder. We can name our folders anything but is is better if we give a common name and also give them the name of of our map as seen in the example; all the folders containing our content are named foo.